Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday musings

I've been trying to figure out how to write this blog and if I want to focus on one thing or just post random rambling thoughts, so I put off writing.  Here I am but I'm still undecided.  I don't have one particular thing I'm passionate about and, to be completely honest, I have been rather consumed by the NCAA Women's volleyball playoffs and my new adopted home team of Texas Longhorns- Hook 'em!!  Now that they are out (in the Elite 8) I will cheer for UCLA but my life can go on... at least until the 15th when UCLA faces FSU and hopefully Illinois takes down U$C.

A friend recently asked how I could love music so much AND sports.  I thought this was an odd question because I don't think they are mutually exclusive.  I have many interests including great Texas BBQ, baking, films, travel as well as music and sports.  Although these days I go to the occasional gig to see a favorite band that's come to town, I haven't ventured out much to explore the unknown or "new" band like I used to in the days BEJ (before EJ).  That was a necessary change due to finances and lack of babysitters and it seems it's had a lasting affect.

Since moving to Austin last October I have enjoyed exploring the world of film.  Maybe it's because of my friends' Facebook and the film discussions that took place there, the free access at my awesome local library that encouraged and supported my version of a film history course or the wonderfully innovative programmers/owners of the Alamo Drafthouse?  While visiting my old hometown, Los Angeles, for a wedding and completely by accident I discovered a whole different world within the film community- Mondo Mystery Movie (by the Alamo Drafthouse).  Is it coincidence that it began in my new hometown of Austin?  For those of you that aren't familiar with MMM, they pick a movie and keep it a mystery until the movie is about to begin, produce a limited run poster to accompany it by some of the most well known poster artists (Jeff Procter, Kevin Tong, Tyler Stout to name a few) and charge you $75 for the adventure. Thanks to my friend Jules for inviting me to my first MMM at the New Beverly Theater in LA, I got to sit front row for two of the three nights Justin brought to town.  I could write a whole blog dedicated to the MMM IX event Halloween Weekend because it was EPIC!  Instead here is a video that sums it all up nicely:   It's genius!!  But what did you expect from the folks at Alamo Drafthouse and if you doubt me, check their website and read about the Elf quote along I will be attending later this evening.  Among their many other amazing events, I regret not going on their canoe ride/pig roast/Deliverance movie overnight trip this summer.

There is so much I want to do that sometimes I'm overwhelmed and don't know where to begin.  Music is always my first love and keeps me sane but I don't have those guys (Steve Fair, Fred Mills) around anymore that used to make me mixed tapes and turn me on to new music so occasionally I check out stuff my daughter listens to and find something I like or go to my local record store for inspiration.  Sometimes I lurk Lisa Bralts-Kelly or Aneta Dubow's blogs/spotify/dj list and find something I like.        I also found some new to me music at the free shows in town at SXSW this year and will be looking for more opportunities at SXSW 2012.  In the meantime, I will spend more time balancing it out with all my other interests and make a concerted effort to expand my horizons daily.

My thoughts now turn to all the things I need to accomplish before Wednesday and our winter adventure to Breckenridge filled with family/Christmas, snow, cold winter weather, snowboarding, cross country skiing and all the other adventures that snow can bring.  My #1 thing to do while there is find a place for a sleigh ride!

OK, now I realize I might be rambling, having lost my focus for the day.  There have been a few things I wanted to talk about that have happened in December and I guess I'll have to write more regularly so I can share and not in one monster blog.  For now, thanks for reading and please come back.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New beginnings

So, I've been blog curious for a while now and after some prodding and encouragement (Lulu!) I have decided today is the day...